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                       MetaQube is a metaverse builder that lets you create and share immersive content without coding. You can use open source tools and 3D templates to design your own games and experiences for different devices, from mobile phones to VR headsets. As Design Lead at XRCentral, I worked with my team to create the visual identity for MetaQube that reflected the dynamic and innovative nature of the product. 


                   We used a cube shape as the main element of the logo made up of building blocks, reminiscent of the Rubik's cube and Lego bricks, symbolizing the versatility and modularity of the platform. 


                     The official colors chosen was a vibrant blue to represent technology and innovation and a gradient of blue, purple and red colors, representing the spectrum of possibilities and experiences that MetaQube offers.


                          We applied these elements to various media, such as web, mobile, print, and social media, ensuring consistency and coherence across all channels.

                     Qubi was designed to represent the core values of MetaQube: creativity, diversity, and fun. We wanted to create a friendly and engaging companion to guide and inspire users to unleash their imagination and enjoy the possibilities of virtual reality.

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